What is IELTS on Paper?

IELTS on paper

It might be the most convenient exam type for our country. Candidates answer everything with a pen or pencil on paper. The listening, reading and writing test is conducted on the same day. The Speaking section, however, can be taken up to a week before or after the other tests. The results become available after 13 working days from the test date.

10 things to know about Paper-based IELTS:

  1. Test day staff will hand you booklets and answer sheets before each test and will then collect these booklets and answer sheets, before moving on to the next test part.
  2. If you have any special requirements, you should take the IELTS on the paper test.
  3. You can write everything in Capital Letters.
  4. You can use a pen or HB-pencil to complete your Writing test, but you must use an HB-pencil to write your Listening and Reading answers on the answer sheet.
  5. In the paper-based IELTS test, the Writing, Reading, and Listening tests are all completed on the same day with no breaks between each test.
  6. In listening, you will get 10 minutes extra time to transfer answers.
  7. You can underline the text that seems important as required.
  8. Can flip through pages as per convenience.
  9. You would not experience any Eye Fatigue by staring at the Screen.
  10. Yes, during your Paper-based IELTS, you will be provided with stationaries such as Pencil, Rubber, and Sharpener. Apart from the ID document, no other personal belongings are allowed in the exam hall.

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