What is IELTS on Computer?

IELTS test can be attempted on paper or on a computer at any official test centre in Bangladesh.

Either way on a computer or on paper, the candidate will be taking the exact same IELTS test, with the same content and structure. The only difference is that the candidates can choose to type the answers or write them on paper according to their preference and comfort level.

IELTS on computer

As the name suggests, the IELTS examinee will take the test on a computer to answer the Listening, Reading and Writing sections. However, The Speaking test will still be conducted face-to-face with a trained IELTS Examiner, as this is the most effective way to assess speaking skills.

10 Things you should know about Computer delivered IELTS

  1. In IELTS Listening Test delivered by computer, you are going to have 2 minute only to check all of your answer. No extra time will be given to transfer your answer.
  2. It is easier to concentrate in IELTS Computer based exam because you are given noise cancelling headphone.
  3. You can highlight, change the background, make notes and make the text bigger or smaller on screen whenever necessary.
  4. You will be given a pen and paper as well for taking notes but it will be replaced after each section.
  5. Some of the question types look different than the paper delivered test in Listening test.
  6. No need to count words in writing task 1 and task 2.
  7. IELTS Listening and Reading will be marked automatically by the computer but your writing and speaking will be graded by trained Examiners.
  8. You are not allowed to right in capital letters in Writing, you need to use sentence case as you are typing.
  9. Your results will be available in 3-5 days.
  10. More test dates are available for IELTS Computer Delivered Test.

জেনে নিন মালয়েশিয়ায় উচ্চশিক্ষার আবেদনের সকল তথ্য

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